Candle for
Cancer HOAX
Burning Candle justru Menyebabkan Kanker
Burning Candle justru Menyebabkan Kanker
Kalau anda pengguna BBM (Blackberry Messanger) Indonesia kemungkinan besar anda akan menerima broadcast pesan BBM seperti di bawah ini :
- Dear Friends, Please turn ur profile pic into the Burning Candle of HOPE as on my profile. Then ask everyone on your BBM to do the same for 24 hrs for ALL Cancer Patients. Also we wish everyone to take 1 minute to bring all Cancer patients before The Almighty in prayer. Every flame represents a prayer said for a cancer patient.
- Please turn your profile picture into the burning candle of HOPE on my profile. Then ask everyone on your BBM to do the same for 24 hrs for ALL CANCER patients. Then also ask that everyone take 1 minute to bring all Cancer patients before The Almighty God in prayers. Then we'll see how many Candles of Hope we get burning. Every flame represents a prayer said for a cancer patient. Please be an intercessor for cancer patients by doing this. God bless cancer patients. God bless you! O:)
- My sisters n brothers, Please turn your profile picture into the burning candle of HOPE on my profile. Ask everyone on your BBM to do the same for 24 hours only for ALL Cancer patients. Please take 1 minute to bring all Cancer patients before The Almighty GOD in prayer according your faith. Tomorrow we see how many candles of Hope we got burning. Every flame represents a prayer said for a cancer patient.
- pls turn ur profile pic into the burning candle of HOPE on my profile. Then ask everyone on your BBM to do the same for 24 hrs for ALL Cancer patients. Then also that everyone take 1 minute to bring all Cancer patients before The Almighty in prayer. Then tomorrow we see how many candles of Hope we got burning. Every flame represents a prayer said for a cancer patient.
<<<akhir dari BBM Broadcast 1>>>
Lalu hasil dari penyebaran Broadcast BBM message tersebut adalah seperti gambar di bawah ini (lihat gambar 1):
Gambar 1, Hasil BBM Broadcast meminta perubahan profile picture